Server Network Explained

Along with our CDN as the backbone for website loading times our server farm is located in these locations:
There are Secondary DNS servers on both continents for load time balancing as well.
Our Secondary DNS locations:
- Dallas, TX
- Chicago, IL
- Los Angeles, CA
- Reston, VA
- London, UK
Each secondary DNS server is completely independent so an outage at one will not affect name resolution for your DNS zones.
These servers are now available to all CainTech Services clientele in 2015 if they ask to upgrade to new servers.
Current Server/Website speed is seen here:
Avg. Hourly Speed Results: (NEN Website)
Past Week stats for by milliseconds/seconds, along with uptime (Green) Downtime (Red)
Monthly stats from April 3rd to May 3rd 2015 (Uptime = Green) (Downtime = Red) As a note Downtime, for April was under Godaddy’s Hosting Architecture/Platform. Along with Downtime/Uptime site speed ranged from 5-15 seconds. Throughout April the issue was downtime/speed for NEN
6 Month glance between Justhost Hosting: (2009-2014)
Godaddy Hosting: Late December 2014 to April 23rd 2015
Under the current server architecture/platform load times are seen for our client The Monroe Buzz which will be migrated to the new server in October 2015.
Please note 1,000 milliseconds equals 1 second, thus 10,000 milliseconds = 10 seconds etc.
The Monroe Buzz website load times under present server setup, at Godaddy.
By the fourth quarter, all clients should be migrated to new servers. CainTech Services will always continue to deliver affordable hosting and services compared to it’s competitors. As stated there will be no price increases.
As a note, there is nothing wrong with Shared Hosting that Godaddy provides for what many may deem as mom and pop businesses or small businesses. Though when your website grows too large in terms of it’s content, or website traffic. Since NeverEnoughNotes is listed in Google News search results etc. You as a website owner will require dedicated resources to your website that are not shared resources between hundreds or thousands of other customers. Each service has it’s own strengths and disadvantages.
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